Where an individual or family would prefer a green or eco-funeral we are on hand to help. We will use our extensive experience to provide support and assistance to the family on the best way to achieve this.
At Feehily’s we have several different eco-friendly coffins available. All the coffins we stock are made in Donegal from sustainable, recycled or waste materials - using no varnishes, plastics or metals.
The wicker on this coffin is weaved onto a solid wooden frame leaving an extremely sturdy structure. Small wooden screws hold the lid and name plate in place while the linings are made from natural materials.
This coffin is made using a mixture of brown (buff) and green willow to achieve a two-tone effect. Manilla or Hemp ropes are woven through the uprights to make the handles.
Water hyacinth is an extremely fast-growing pond weed that doubles in size every 28 days causing waterways and irrigation streams to clog up and block. When this weed is extracted from the water it is usually dumped. When producing this coffin, the water hyacinth is again weaved onto a solid wooden frame leaving an extremely sturdy structure.
Banana leaf cord is a by-product of the banana production industry. The cord is made using the dried leaves after the tree has produced its fruit. The leaf is woven along with rattan to produce these coffins.
Pandanus / pandan is a palm like tree that grows wild. The leaves are collected and woven into a fine rope. Only the young leaves are cut so the plant will naturally regenerate. The young leaves are sliced in fine strips and sorted for further processing. The Pandanus may be similar in looks to seagrass material, but that's where the similarity ends. The harvesting of seagrass material is taking away vital foodstuff from nursery fish and is leading to large scale costal erosion.
Rattan is a name given to a palm / reed like plant that grown in forests. It is ideal for weaving as it’s slender stems can grow for hundreds of meters in length with long internodes between the leaves. Rattan is vine like using other vegetation for support. In forests where rattan grows, its economic value can help protect forest land, by providing an alternative to loggers who forgo timber logging and harvest rattan canes instead. Rattan is much easier to harvest, requires simpler tools and is much easier to transport. It also grows much faster than most tropical wood. This makes it a potential tool in forest maintenance, since it provides a profitable crop that depends on rather than replaces trees.
For more information or to talk to one of our experienced funeral directors, please call us on 071 9159999 or email